Thursday, September 27, 2007

When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship?

Breakups can be painful and difficult on so many difficult levels. The ending of a relationship, a close friendship, and the dreams that you shared with your significant other are just a few of the things you lose. So, when are you ready to move forward to a new relationship without any of the ill effects of your past relationship? You can ask yourself these questions.

1. You only think of your past significant other occasionally. They no longer occupy your thoughts. You cant move forward with someone new, if you are mentally focused on someone else. During a breakup your primary focus in on your ex, what could have happened, what if things were different, what if you would have said something at the right time. Once you have finished processing your past relationship it will no longer be a primary force in your life.

2. You no longer get upset when dealing with your ex. There will come a time, when dealing with your past significant other will become nothing more than dealing with any other annoying person.

3. You have stopped trying to please your past love. Once a breakup has occurred you are not under obligation to please your ex. You no longer do the special things that you would do for them. You do not do special favors for them such as shoveling their sidewalks when it snows.

4. Your ex does not come up in conversations with your friends. We all speak about what is important to us, so when you notice you are no longer chatting about your ex, you can move on.

5. The romantic feelings are gone. We all have romantic feelings towards our ex partner right after the breakup. There will come a time when you stop fantasizing about a future with them.

6. You can accept that your ex can find a new romantic interest. Feelings of jealousy depart when you no longer have an emotional tie to your past partner.

7. You are no longer angry at your ex. During a breakup feelings of anger are likely to come about. When the former partner no longer stir anger, you are emotionally detached.

You must not move forward into a new quality relationship until you have reached these ideals. If you are still emotionally involved with your past partner you are able to devote yourself to your new partner. You wouldnt want your new romantic interest to still be focused on their ex partner. You will get resolution towards your ex partner. It will happen.

The opposite of love isnt hate is apathy. Once you have reached the state of apathy you are truly ready to go forward and enjoy what a new positive relationship may bring. Make sure your ready, and make sure who you are involved with feels that their ex is no longer an issue in their life. It is worth waiting for, you want your next relationship to benefit from the lessons learned from your past relationships.

Editor for, also writes about a variety of life experiences. You can read more of her relationship articles at

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Business Success Know How Niche

Business Success is found right next door, you just need to look for the recipes. How do you find these recipes?

You need to find your competitors, and improve on their faults. Not competitors that are on your level financially ones that currently saturate your market.

Let's use someone you wouldn't expect to read about here; for this example we'll use Eminem:

Eminem [The Rapper] is popular because he is Caucasian and because the words he uses is above average in rap talk they are more of education terms not in simple talk. So he is a prime example: He Raps which is your business, he is Caucasian which is different from his competitors, however the main difference is that he has improved on the talk from other rappers [which creats his niche] his niche is the education of words.

Here's another example
If I did Online Marketing for a living, than I would go to a big name like Stephen Pierce. I would look at his site and his products. If I could not improve on them, I would match by making my own on what the theme of products he sells are, then would try to Joint Venture with others that he would normally Joint Venture with, if I could not get in contact with those people I would see what kind of people he has Joint Ventured with and would look for similar ones.

Here are your steps to your business success
1.Look at their Image
2.Look at their Products - what they are marketing
3. Write a plan for yourself using their products eg. Create your products, following their recepie but your work: Product 1, Product 2, Product 3.
4. Apply and use marketing techniques that are used for your type of product. Eg. If its online than read eg. for some basic practices online you should be doing daily, weekly etc.

If you are not online than use what you think, read up on how others flourished. A huge problem in our society is contacts. They take years to create and sometimes it's very hard to progress without them. So you need to keep looking at your recipe and keep adjusting it, daily, weekly if need be. Until you create your success.

To Life!

Nigella Cruise

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